I didn't want to make a list of New Year's resolutions, just to watch them slowly be forgotten. So my resolution was simply to become a better person. Not just in general, but in several aspects of my life. Thankfully these changes in behavior have affected the whole Rogers household. We're getting healthy, organized and reconnecting to God.
Keith and I have always agreed that we thought Knox needs to be involved with other kids to socialize, but our attempts at the gym's daycare were hit and miss the few times we attempted. The two birds with one stone here, is that while Knox is "socializing", mommy can work of some, um, fluff. So with determination, and a little prayer, Knox and I set off to the gym last Monday. The first day the workers got me from my work out twice in 15 minutes. The next day once in almost 20 minutes. Wednesday through Saturday got better each day, but he still had one worker he clung to the entire 50 minutes I was sweating away. This Monday (we skipped Sunday, and for a good reason), he reverted back a little and he only tolerated about 30 minutes, but again, everyday this week he has gotten better. Yesterday I walked in and they had him COLORING! He was stationary with a piece of paper in front of him and crayon in hand!!! I about fell out. I almost fell out again this morning when I checked him in, and he went straight to the worker, I told him bye-bye and that I loved him, AND NO PEEP, CRY OR SCREAM!!! Whoohoo!!! He had cried when I left him EVERYDAY, but not today! Let's see how long that keeps up. Hopefully, for good. Meanwhile I'm feeling better about myself since I'm working out 6 days a week. Nothing like having a one year old hold you accountable for working out, when they don't even realize it.
My other sub-resolution was the get the house re-organized. I did great getting it organized while I was pregnant with Knox, but since his arrival, things haven't stayed that way. I've bought more bins (which are not the cheapest things, by the way). You can now open the pantry without things blocking the doors. The bathroom closet is next--the bins are bought, just have to find time to sit and organize. You almost have to be organized with you stockpile with sale/coupon shopping. If you buy multiples of something, and then can't find it, you often buy more of what you already have, which defeats the purpose of couponing in the first place. So, slowly, but surely, the mess that's hidden behind doors is getting it own place--which isn't the bottom of the closet.
Our skip day at the gym was due to a first visit at a new church. YAY! Both Keith and I enjoyed the service and the minister. We went to the 8:30 service because all three of us had been up since about 5:30 (we believe Knox is trying to get his one year molars in). The majority were older people in the smaller congregation, which is to be expected at the early service. It worked for the best for the time being since Knox was one of two in the nursery, which he did quite well in (there was two workers, so they held him half the time I think). Plus nap time has been moved to about 11 or noon, and I don't think the nursery workers would appreciate a cranky teething one year old for the 11:00 service. I think we might try to get involved in a Sunday school class to meet other people/couples our age. We've already decided to add tithing into our bi-weekly budget. I've already bought canned goods, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. (all bought on sale and with coupons with our bi-weekly grocery budget, I might add) to donate to the church as well. We're ready to find a church were we feel that we belong, and hopefully we're one step closer.
Pretty good start to the new year, don't ya think? :)