Charles Knox


Cecily Blanche


Monday, March 9, 2009

Lovely Springish Walk in the Neighborhood

We (meaning Knox, Mommy and the "girls") love going for walks in the neighborhood on beautiful days like what we've been having here. Sadly, our last walk was too long ago to remember, so Mommy and puppies were both out of shape. Regardless of how often we walk, Chloe, aka Puddin' Pop, can never really keep up with her sister. Our first two walks last week proved to be almost too much for our fat one. This is what happened half way through our walk on both Thursday AND Friday.

I know I've always been the crazy lady of the neighborhood--walking, pushing a stroller and walking two shih tzus all at once. I just can't leave the dogs at home when we're getting out for some excercise since they need it too. Now I'm just the REALLY crazy lady that lets her fat dog ride in the cargo carriage of her baby's stroller. I'm surprised I haven't caused any wrecks, from the looks of amusement/shock I some times receive. Ha! At least the people of our neighborhood are getting their laughs for free! ;)


  1. This is just too funny! At least your dogs will walk on a leash...Bodie drags me!

  2. THAT is a riot!! The exercise is good for them, but they do have to actually walk!! Poor little Chloe, "Miss Thang" as I like to call her! She's doing her best! Good luck at not causing a wreck, I'm glad I haven't seen that while driving. I really don't need any help causing an accident!
