Charles Knox


Cecily Blanche


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Unexpected, Pleasant Blogging Surprise!

This Lemonade Award is quite new to me, but when I went to check out sweet Adair's latest blog, I saw she had given one to me!  How fun!  Adair is a fab sorority sister and beautiful person on the inside AND out.  By following her blog, I've been able to keep up with her fun times and also her times of trial in trying to add a "new addition" to her cute little family.  I hope God blesses them soon!

Now I am ready for some good ole lemonade.....Here are a few rules.....
1.Put the Lemonade Award logo on your blog or post
2.Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude or gratitude
3.Link to your nominees within your post
4.Let the nominees know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog
5.Share the love and link to the person from who you received your award
And my Lemonade Award goes to.....

5.  I know you're supposed to do 10, but I don't have that big of a blog roll!


  1. yay- you saw it! i was about to come comment on your blog to let you ya...

  2. I don't know how to get the logo on my page....

  3. Jay--copy it to your desktop and then upload like you would any other picture.
