Charles Knox


Cecily Blanche


Thursday, December 18, 2008

'Tis the season to be...scared?

I know.  Weird title, but quite hilarious once you scroll down.  I found this link on Caroline's, my sorority sister, blog.  I laughed out loud so many times, I had to share my favorites.  Enjoy!

This kid's backwards glance...

"If I can't see him, then he's not there."

This kid's face, and the fact that  I've never seen a "Soul" Santa.

Title of card is ELF-explanatory (I crack myself up!)

I love that the kid is looking at it's retarded mother, like she's just that.

I'd have the same expression on my face, if I was being touched by this creepy Santa.

You can tell this Santa is ready to throw in the towel.

I've laughed out loud every time I've looked at this picture.  Notice Mom isn't even holding the boy up--that's how scared he is!  Santa's face is quite humorous as well.

I just love this kid's outfit.

This baby is looking at it's brother like she's scared of him instead of Santa.

Love this kid's creative mother or father.  Funny.

Santa has my attention here.  I wonder if it's the eggnog or the kids that's made his eyes look that way?

This poor kid's jacket in the front is like an elf gone bad, and her brother looks like he's scared to be seen with her.  Santa can barely be seen with all the kids in front of him.

It's not even a full size Santa!  Looks similar to the ones Momma, Carol and Jenny had growing up.

I guess you have to laugh when you have three screaming kids in your lap.  Or maybe he's been sharing eggnog with the Santa from a few pictures up.

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